The BID Street Team
The BID Street Team is one of the most visible elements of the BID with a measurable impact on the Clean and Safe Zone. Through maintenance and downtown operations, holiday decorations, public art, and event support, the BID Street Team can be seen working seven days a week to create a vibrant and welcoming downtown experience. It is not uncommon to see a member of the BID Street Team handing out parking tokens, giving directions, providing a personal escort, helping a business owner move a heavy item, help tow-out cars on especially snowy days, or helping an at-need individual find a resource agency. The team’s motto of “better than it was” is reflected over and over in their committed to achieving a higher standard in the delivery of services offered in the BID work plan
The workplan of the BID Street Team
- Emptying pedestrian trashcans
- Plowing a 4 foot path on sidewalks on snowy days
- Sweeping litter, and other general cleanup
- Manage the public art program
- Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) evaluations
- Maintenance for downtown’s Public Restroom
- Water and upkeep of the Downtown Flower Basket Program
- Street level graffiti removal
- Facilitate Downtown Signature Events
- and more…