(406) 690-4227

For Emergencies Call 911

Cooperative Safety program

The Business Improvement District began the Cooperative Safety Program in 2009 when it partnered with the Billings Police Department (BPD) to fund a full time Downtown Billings Police officer, accomplished in conjunction with the Downtown Billings Partnership, who helped fund the first year of this pilot program. We are proud of the downtown Cooperative Safety program that provides for three full time Billings Police Department Officers assigned specifically to downtown Billings. These officers, called resource officers, provide additional presence, visibility and assistance over and above what is already provided by the Billings Police Department. Supported by the Homeless Outreach Team, our dedicated downtown officers are stationed at the Downtown Billings office and patrol all areas within the BID footprint. You’ll frequently see them in their marked car or on bikes patrolling the streets.

2021 Community Impact Study

Due to the implementation of the BPD Center Beat overlay, crime has fallen in downtown with incident call numbers cut in half in just one year. Public confidence has been bolstered, through the time tested old fashion out in the street interacting and walking/riding the beat. In a time of record deficits and budget cuts, we ensure through a public-private partnership that public safety is important to downtown as well as city-wide.

our Clean and Safe initiatives

The Business Improvement District is dedicated to making our downtown a safe, clean and inviting place to live, work, and play.

Safety Initiatives:

Clean Initiatives:

  • Our BID Street Team diligently make sure our garbage cans are emptied and any graffiti is removed before most even know it’s there. Snow removal, street cleaning, and hundreds of small but important undertakings keep our Downtown beautiful and livable day to day!
  • The Downtown Flower Basket Program
  • The Public Art Program

Resources for Property & Business Owners

The purpose for the Trespass Enforcement Agreement is for afterhours use so the Billings Police Department can enforce trespassing and other misdemeanor crimes in the absence of the property owner or manager.

  1. If you are present when you observe an individual who is on your property unlawfully, you ARE NOT REQUIRED to have a Trespass Enforcement Agreement form on file with the Billings Police Department. Upon observing an individual who is on your property unlawfully, and it is not an emergency, you may call 406-657-8200. Please dial 911 for life threatening emergencies only. Upon the arrival of the BPD, you may request a trespass warning be issued and the subject be escorted off of your property. 
  2. If you would like the Billings Police Department to issue a no trespass warning or make an arrest in the absence of your presence, you ARE REQUIRED to fill out the Billings Police Department Trespass Enforcement Agreement form contained in this link. This form is your request and authorization to the BPD to enter the indicated property and enforce Montana Code Annotated § 45-6-203 or other misdemeanor crimes, without you being present. Please review the form carefully and fill out the applicable sections. Upon completion of the form, make a copy for yourself and provide the Billings Police Department with a copy.
  3. It is highly recommended that “No Trespassing” and “No Loitering” signage be posted on your property.  
  4. Any enforcement activity made on a property covered under the Trespass Enforcement Agreement program will be relayed to the business owner or their authorizing agent who filed the agreement form. This will be received by the listed phone number or email at the time of the incident. The date, time, case number, suspect name, and case circumstances will be given. If nobody answers the listed phone number, a message will be left. 
  5. This agreement lasts for 1 year from the date the form is submitted. Renewing the agreement is up to the business and its representatives. The business owner or authorized agents will be requested to cooperate fully in the prosecution of anyone who is arrested for a violation of any local or state law, including trespassing or vandalism on the property listed in the agreement.
  6. Please return any completed forms to:

-The Billings Police Department at 220 N 27th St

-Contact the Downtown resource officers directly at 406-690-4227 (leave a message if nobody answers) 

– Email: cops@downtownbillings.com

-116 N 29th St Suite A, The Downtown Billings Alliance (DBA) office Monday-Friday 9am to 4pm

Click to Download Trespass Enforcement Agreement 

Officer Moe Richardson
Officer Nick Fonte