Featured Article:
Montana Department of Transportation
April 26, 2023

Public invited to view proposed project plans and provide feedback to design team
The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and engineering design consultant, Sanderson Stewart, are moving forward with the design phase of the 1st Avenue North–Billings project that will reconstruct approximately two miles of 1st Avenue North, from Division Street to North 9th Street.
To share the latest proposed plans for the corridor and receive feedback from the public, MDT is hosting two open houses with the option to attend virtually or in person. “Open houses are great opportunities for the public and media to learn more about
upcoming work,” said Michael Taylor, acting MDT Billings District Administrator. “We find that hosting these events brings out important comments and feedback that we might not otherwise hear. Our team is looking forward to meeting with the community and hearing their questions and concerns.”
The in-person event will be held at the Downtown Billings Alliance, 116 North 29th Street, Suite A, on Wednesday, May 10, from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. No formal presentation will be made, and all are welcome to stop by at any time during the event. Plans and informational display boards will be available for viewing and the project team will be available to answer any questions. There will also be an opportunity to provide written comments as well.
The virtual event will be held on Zoom on Thursday, May 11, from Noon to 1 p.m. Attendees can expect a brief slideshow presentation followed by a question-and-answer session and an opportunity to provide comments. Registration is required to gain access to the meeting. To register, visit https://bit.ly/1stAveN-OpenHouse.
“We are excited to move this important project forward for downtown Billings and to explore ideas for improving the 1st Avenue North corridor with the community at the upcoming open house,”
Nick Pavia- Sanderson Stewart project manager
Planned improvements include new curb and gutter, ADA-compliant sidewalks, on-street parking, street lighting, stormwater enhancements, replacing the North 13th Street traffic signal, and aesthetic improvements.
Due to the complexity of the project and funding constraints, the project has been split into three segments to accommodate phased construction: the east segment spanning from the railroad crossing between North 22nd Street and North 20th Street to North 9th Street, as well as a short portion of North 13th Street; the middle segment spans from North Broadway to the railroad crossing between North 22nd Street and North 20th Street; and the west segment that spans from Division Street to North Broadway. Construction on the first segment, the east segment of the project, is tentatively scheduled for 2027, with the remaining segments to follow; however, this schedule is subject to change due to unforeseen factors, such as design complications and funding availability.
Those who cannot attend either event can still ask questions and provide comments by contacting Sloane Stinson at sloane@bigskypublicrelations.com or by calling the project hotline at 406-207-4484, Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. For more information about the project, visit www.mdt.mt.gov/pubinvolve/1stAveNorth/.
The Department of Transportation will make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities who wish to participate in the open house or need an alternative accessible format of this notice. If you require an accommodation, contact the Department of Transportation no later than April 26, 2023, to advise us of the nature of the accommodation that you need.