the 2024 Downtown Billings Spotlight Award Recipients

Nominations for the 4rd Annual Downtown Spotlight Awards came from the general public and downtown Billings businesses who belong to the membership arm of the DBA. These awards began in 2021 as an annual way for to honor and celebrate those who contribute to downtown Billings’ growth, diversity, and vitality. 

Mediterranean Soul
New Business Spotlight Award:
 Awarded to a downtown business that has been in operation for less than three years and has demonstrated strong potential via growth, innovation, and leadership. Additionally, the business has demonstrated a culture of risk-taking and trailblazing and has positioned itself to achieve similar success in the future through new or innovative product or service, quality of merchandise/customer service, job creation, growth, potential, and market served.

Jake’s Downtown
Downtown Gem Award:
 Awarded to a business who has been in operation for more than 10 years who still shines as a staple in downtown Billings due to their consistent commitment to innovation, community leadership, quality of merchandise/customer service, and job creation.

A&E Design
Golden Broom Award:
 Awarded to a business that excels in maintaining an attractive and welcoming street presence.

Blake Wahrlich- ClockTower Inn/ Stella’s Kitchen & Bakery
Good Neighbor Award:
 Awarded to a downtown neighbor (business owner, property owner, employee, etc) who is always willing to offer a helping hand to fellow “downtowners”.

Griffin Development – Old Town Flats
Downtown Development Award: Awarded to a building/business owner with the most improved façade or strongest building development project in within the last 12 months.

Matti Thompson – Rockets Gourmet Wraps
The ‘Cheers’ Award
: Awarded to one of downtown’s countless service/hospitality industry workers who provide an excellent experience for those they help. This individual provides thoughtful customer service that makes a moment special, welcoming, and positive.

Mehmet Casey – Downtown Billings (DBP)
Ziggy Ziegler Award: Awarded to an individual whose efforts positively affect how people feel about downtown Billings. The Community Builder Award recipient has facilitated the development of our downtown community, actively contributing to the growth, vitality, and overall appeal and betterment of downtown Billings. 

Dave Fishbaugh – Downtown Billings Partnership Board
Downtown Billings Board Member of the Year: In recognition of an individual who not only commits their time as a member of one of the four boards of the DBA, but goes above and beyond their role as a board member and gives additional time and resources to support the success of various DBA events and promotions in 2023/2024.

Rhonda Brown
Volunteer of the Year: Awarded to the individual who generously committed their time at the most downtown events in the last 12 months.


Rhonda Brown – 12 events
Tina Parsons
– 9 events
Cody Floyd – 8 events

Mann– 6 events

We thank these volunteers and all our volunteers for the support they provide out team at various downtown events throughout the year.